Oak Valley Lutheran Church
All are welcome!
Worship times Sunday 10am Saturday 5:30pm
400 Main St. N. Velva, ND 58790 Phone # 701-338-2143 Email: oakbranches@srt.com
“Shawls … They wrap, enfold, comfort, cover, give solace, mother, hug, shelter and beautify” – Janet Seven Bristow, 1998
Prayer shawls can be used for: undergoing medical procedures; as a comfort after a loss or in times of stress; during bereavement; prayer or meditation.
Here at Oak Valley we have begun a prayer shawl ministry project for all members of the community, both men and women. We now have 14 community members involved in the ministry.
The shawls are stored in the office here at Oak Valley. If you feel a need to share a prayer for anyone needing support, please stop at the office and choose a shawl. They are free of charge and available to anyone who feels a shawl will comfort someone.
Anyone who is interesting in knitting or crocheting is most welcome. If you would like to join us and don’t knit or crochet, we will teach you. Please join us!!
All meetings will be held in the Fireside Room